My New Skincare Routine

I *think* I have finally found the cure to my skin woes. Going Back to Basics was a good break but it was clear (no pun intended) that my skin still needed some help. Since my skin first went haywire in November, I've scoured the internet for skincare solutions, watching countless "How I healed my skin" and "My skincare routine" videos on YouTube, researching oils, convincing myself exotic fruits were the answer, and more. One remedy that kept popping up was Manuka honey. After reading this article, I decided to try Manuka honey for myself, worst case scenario: I cook with it.

Miracle in a jar. Really glamorous shot I know. That black stuff is in the plastic, idk I just ignore it.

Miracle in a jar. Really glamorous shot I know. That black stuff is in the plastic, idk I just ignore it.

Because I'm Type-A, I then researched Manuka honey. If I was going to do this, I wanted to do it right. I needed to know what brands, which UMF score I needed, what the average price was, and where I could buy it. I learned that the higher the score, the better, ideally you want something over 15. I went with Happy Valley's 18+ in the 250g size (I wasn't ready to commit to the 500g or it's $119.99 price tag; $65.99 was quite enough). The internet taught me that you can use Manuka honey in a few ways, you can wash your face with it, apply it as a spot treatment, or use it as an overnight mask. To make sure I didn't have any weird reactions, I went with the spot treatment option. After a few hours, the treated areas looked so much better. Seriously. I decided then and there to go for the overnight mask AND that my honey was worth every penny, and probably more.

Time to get sticky! I use a Q-tip to take a bit out (a little goes a long way), smear that on my left index finger, and then use my right index and middle fingers to apply.

Time to get sticky! I use a Q-tip to take a bit out (a little goes a long way), smear that on my left index finger, and then use my right index and middle fingers to apply.

It's been three weeks now and my skin is well on its way to being the skin I once knew. My face is softer, my skin tone is more even, and it reduces the redness and starts healing my blemishes almost instantly. Best of all, I no longer feel like I'm living in a game of zit Whack-a-Mole (Whack-a-Zit?). Yes, new spots pop up but it's due to hormones, stress, and me picking. (I know, I know, I'm working on this and actually the honey helps as once it's on, I do everything to avoid touching my face or it's honey-hands for me.) Is it annoying that I stick to my pillow? Yes. Is it a pain flipping my pillow and then changing every night? Yes. Despite living in Manhattan, did I worry that I would wake up with a bear licking my face? You bet! Still, all of these minor grievances pale in comparison to the physical and mental discomfort I was in before. 

Here's what my full skincare routine looks like now:

Needless to say, I feel a bit like Winnie the Pooh. I just LOVE honey and can't imagine a day without it. If you've been struggling with your skin, try Manuka honey. I know it sounds hokey. I was totally in the camp of, "give me a peel," "let's laser," "I need this cream/scrub/etc." I never thought that this easy, natural remedy could work, or that it could be worth it's price tag. Turns out I was dead wrong, and I'm so glad that I was.

What's your favorite skincare product? What does your skincare routine look like?