May Favorites
"June is busting out all over!" Name that musical! But also, this means that May has come and gone and it's time for a new batch of favorites. The list is a bit shorter than usual this month and I thought about skipping and doing a May-June combo but then decided to go for it anyway. Here you go...
As I wrote in this post, this past month I made a conscious effort to read more. Sweetbitter had long been on my list and knowing that it was soon coming to Starz, I wanted to get it done quickly so I could watch. From the first sentence I was hooked. From the story to Danler's writing style, I hated putting it down. It was also fun to read a book that takes place in my own city and know many of the places referenced. I did give the show a try but the first two episodes were more or less the book word for word and they didn't do it justice so I stopped. The book however, is a must. If you have a trip this summer or just need a fun read, this is it.
Cyc Chelsea's Rider of the Month
This past month, I was Cyc Chelsea's Rider of the Month. I'll be honest, I almost said no. I wasn't sure how I felt about having my face and some facts about me put up in the studio, or if I'd want to see myself on the daily at 6am. After a moment's reflection, I thought, why wouldn't I do this? I have nothing to be embarrassed about. I enjoy the classes, it's something I do basically everyday, and why should I feel weird. If other people think it's weird, that's their problem, not mine. I should be proud of how hard I work. I must say, there were mornings when I would notice someone looking from me to the sandwich board with yours truly on it, but rather than feeling self-conscious, it would give this little diva a boost. I know that sounds egotistical but I have to be honest. Anyway, being a featured rider was an unexpected, flattering, and very fun honor. If you're in NYC, come spin with me at CYC (we can go at a more normal hour on a weekend or come at 6am during the week, I promise it's awesome)!
Elf Lip Oil
In 7th and 8th grade I was a total lip gloss addict. I was never without some sort of balm, gloss, stain, you name it. Fast forward to now and it's a rare occasion when I put something on my lips. I've been wanting to change this but am never sure I can pull off anything too bold. While meandering around CVS the other week, I came upon e.l.f. cosmetics' lip oils and for $6 figured why not. I went for Nude Kiss, which is much pinker and more nude than it looks on the website, and I am really into it. The color doesn't last super long but it is a really nice, subtle hint of shine/color and nicely hydrates.
Honorable Mention: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Last, and a bit least, is Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on Broadway. I was given last minute tickets to see the show and while I am very aware of how lucky I was to see it, and greatly appreciate the opportunity, I can't say that I fully recommend it or that it's something I would have sought out on my own. As a ten-year-old reading a book I'd never heard of, that was only available in England, only added to the mystic, twenty-one years later, my interest in fictional wizards has lessened. Still, this show had some truly magical moments. It's not often that you talk about a show's special effects, HP flips that on its head; the special effects were unreal. Overall, the cast (and casting) was phenomenal, though I do think there were a couple weak spots. My biggest gripe is the length. There is no reason this play should be in two parts. Editing is not always easy, but it is valuable and I think the show would be much stronger if it were shorter, even three hours if they have to. As it currently stands, the running time is about 5+ hours and it's a lot. A lot of Harry Potter. A lot to commit to. A lot of everything. See it, or don't, but if you do, let me know what you think!
What were your May favorites?