Getting out of my creativity rut
A 2016 Hektad in Chelsea
The past few weeks have been full of really exciting things work-wise and fun with friends, yet, I've also been feeling like I'm in a creative rut. I don't know if it's burnout, the dreary weather, or some cosmic force sending me weird juju, but whatever it is, it needs to Bye Felicia itself stat. The upshot, because I'm wired to find the silver linings, is that it's made me take a close look at how I'm filling my free time, think about what inspires me, and look at how I can give both my apartment and wardrobe a refresh to stimulate my creativity.
Art and walks around the city have always helped me recharge. Lucky for me, NYC is one of the most walkable cities (well Manhattan is) and there is no shortage of art here. Having grown up in a family that is very involved in the art world, particularly public art, I have a strong affinity for public works. I love the way that street art transforms the everyday spaces we inhabit, comments on the current state of affairs, and through its impermanency creates excitement. In the past two weeks, I've spent a lot of time taking walks, meandering down less familiar streets, and looking at some fabulous murals.
How cute is this little dude? I wish every time I had pizza he would appear at my table.
My all-time favorite. No joke. My SATII Writing essay was about her. I'll spare you all the things I want to say/gush about.
While I have been, and plan to continue, sharing the photos I've taken from these walks on Instagram, when it comes to my non-work life, I have been spending less time on Instagram. Yes, it's hard and just seeing my phone is tempting, but it has been really nice. For all the inspiration I find on Instagram and the incredible people I've met on the platform, I think that my "rabbit holing" (when you click on a profile or hashtag and somehow find yourself 10 accounts deep looking at photos of some really niche topic in a faraway land and not even remembering how you got there), has left me overstimulated. With the time I would have spent on Instagram, I've done more reading (The Life of Pi), catching up with friends and family via phone calls, watching documentaries, and revamping my wardrobe. Which takes me to...
My closet needs an overall and I am finally attending to it. When trying to choose an outfit recently, I was struck by the fact that a majority of my clothing does not reflect my personality. How can I be me when I don't look like me? If you were to open my drawers, you would think my favorite color was black, navy, or brown. Not ok for someone who gets life from pink. I'm not one for mindless spending and some of my favorite dresses are from Old Navy, so I've been carefully combing just about every website building up my "middle wardrobe" (that's a Leah-ism for the clothes that aren't your athleisure wear, nor are they your nice dresses and suits). I'm also working on my shoe collection and *gasp* have a pair of pompom sneakers on order. I have no regrets, unless they don't fit, but then I'll just be sad.
Hello new friends, I really hope you're as great as the reviews say! PC: Cole Haan
I feel like this is going to be returned but in the meantime I'll just be here looking at it and breaking into Oasis' "Don't Look Back in Anger." PC: Asos
They're called the Leya so basically they were almost named for me and I need them. *Silently prays that they fit and don't look absurd on.* IG: @sam_edelman
On deck for the rest of this week and upcoming weekend are some art projects/DIY, and of course trying on all of my new clothes. Just thinking about doing some hands-on crafting makes me feel the last of the cobwebs getting cleared out so here's hoping!
Anyone else feeling this way? What do you do to get out of a rut?