December Journal Challenge
As a quintessential Sagittarius, I am not often at a loss for words but this year has rendered me mute, time and again. Whether in conversation or written communications of all kinds, there have been countless moments when I just didn’t know what to say so when I saw my friend Kayla post about end of year journaling, I was intrigued.
Growing up I was constantly writing, from documenting daily minutia (and you better believe I found the receipts when I lived at home earlier this year, maybe one day I’ll share some of the gems) to begging my mom for a piece of paper from her Filofax so I could write down whatever poem or song was forming in my head. Writing is a place where I feel at home and at a time when so much feels foreign, writing more is exciting, albeit a little intimidating. On her blog Kayla has offered 31 journaling prompts, one for each day of December. I don’t know what they are yet and actually want to figure out a way to only see each one on the day I have to do it (Kayla I might need your help here) but I’m challenging myself to do it.
Loved this window
There is so much about this year that I want to forget, and yet I feel a deep responsibility to myself, future generations, and society at large to remember everything. We are living through such a charged time, marked by countless events that affect people on every level. To try to forget all of the pain feels irresponsible. What’s more, 2020 has not been all bad. In terms of more tangible things, I started my coach training, my role at work has expanded, I wrote a piece for my hometown paper, and my sister asked me to be her Maid of Honor. Looking to the intangibles, this year led to really focusing on priorities and what makes me tick, honoring parts of myself that I had suppressed and uncovering some that I didn’t even know were there. As a nation we have had what I hope is a real awakening and meaningful work is being undertaken. Why would I want to forget any of that or pretend it didn’t happen?
Here goes nothing, I’m excited to see what comes up as I go!
Do you journal? If you take on this challenge or another one, let me know!