Taking Time to Be
After a two-week plus hiatus, I'm back. April took it out of me. I didn't realize how drained I was until my body started telling me- sinus infection, hives, my immune system was in over drive and I didn't feel very present in my life.
Did you miss me??
I spent last week taking time each night to read. Not before bed reading, but a solid hour plus of shutting out the world (read: phone off) to read. It was one of the best gifts I've given myself. This past weekend, I kept things easy. Saturday I treated myself to the movie Book Club, which I don't recommend but, doing something that I love (what can I say, I'm a girl of simple pleasures) and rarely do these days, felt completely indulgent.
All of this time to just "be," culminated for me in a story that Brenna aka @thewellful posted.
Oh little girls (and boys), what have we done to you.
The challenge was to re-frame diet culture. The more I look at the post, the more I think we can apply it to anything in life. We try to go through the motions and do what's expected, what's right, what's accepted and therefore desirable but along the way we lose ourselves, get rundown, end up with sinus infections and hives if you will 😊
Here is what I posted:
There are also a million more ways I think I could do this and so I decided to make a new version each month. If it doesn't feel right, I'll stop, but I think it's going to be a really great challenge and I'm excited to start.
How would you edit it? Any one want to do the monthly challenge with me?